Cotton Candy Tourmaline

Tourmaline Meaning and Healing Properties

Tourmalines are a large group of borosilicate minerals. Many tourmalines are elbaites, which are multi-colored minerals rich in sodium, aluminum, lithium and occasionally copper. They are adored for their array of beautiful colors causes by a huge variety of chemical compositions and color zoning. When conditions change during the formation of tourmaline crystals it can cause two or more colors to occur on a single crystal. Tourmaline crystals are pyroelectric, piezoelectric, and produce negative ions. This makes Tourmaline a very powerful stone to wear and keep in your space to create positive energy.

The word Tourmaline is derived from the Sinhalese (language of Sri Lanka) word "Toramalli" which means “mixed gems”. Dutch merchants used this word to describe the multicolored pebbles that miners found in the gem gravels of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Ancient Egyptian legend describes Tourmaline crystals traveling up from the center of the Earth along a rainbow, gathering the diverse array of colors as they journeyed to the heavens. Magicians living in the Andes mountains used Tourmaline to create magical staffs to access the ancient knowledge of the Earth. Ancient Indian ceremonies used Tourmaline crystals to attain enlightenment and peace.

Tourmaline colors include black, blue, green, yellow, pink, red, orange, purple, brown, and colorless.

Hardness: 7-7.5

Care: Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and heat which can cause the crystal to lose color or fracture.

Feng Shui Placement: Can be placed in various rooms according to the Bagua map or in specific places of a room by intention/color. I always recommend keeping a piece of Black Tourmaline at every entry point of the house, in all four corners of the home and all rooms.

Enchanting Tourmaline Pendant
All Photos © Enchanting Earth LLC, All Rights Reserved

Metaphysical properties

Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite) Properties

♡ Chakra: Throat and Third Eye

♡ Brings connection with higher realms & beings

♡ Enhances awareness, channeling, communication & meditation

♡ Promotes balance, calmness of the mind & peace

♡ Releases attachments to outcomes & past traumas

♡ Supports the brain

Black Tourmaline (Scorl) Properties

♡ Chakra: Root

♡ Cleanses the auric field & regulates energy

♡ Provides grounding, protection and stress relief

♡ Transmutes and purifies negative energy

♡ Used in body work for healing and meditation

♡ Supports cleansing of pollutants & toxins

Brown Tourmaline (Dravite) Properties

♡ Chakra: Root and Heart

♡ Brings action, compassion, courage & grounding

♡ Enhances energy, shadow work, stamina & wellbeing

♡ Promotes peace, self acceptance, examination & self love

♡ Releases anxiety, addictions, harmful habits & stress

♡ Supports the circulatory and digestive system

Cotton Candy Tourmaline (Bi-color Blue & Pink) Properties

♡ Chakra: Heart, Throat and Third Eye

♡ Brings connection with higher realms & compassion

♡ Enhances communication, meditation & relationships

♡ Promotes awareness, calmness of the mind & love

♡ Releases attachments to outcomes & past traumas

♡ Supports the heart and brain, healing for inner child

Green Tourmaline Properties

♡ Chakra: Heart

♡ Brings courage, harmony, forgiveness & strength

♡ Enhances connection with nature, flow of energy & strength

♡ Promotes expression of the heart, joy & self-healing

♡ Releases emotional trauma

♡ Supports the heart, nervous system & cellular regeneration

Pink Tourmaline Properties

♡ Chakra: Heart

♡ Brings feelings of safety, joy in learning & relaxation

♡ Enhances emotional healing, kindness, love & tolerance

♡ Promotes emotional cleansing, passion for life & peace

♡ Release emotional patterns that no longer serve you & stress

♡ Supports the heart and mental health

Red Tourmaline (Rubellite) Properties

♡ Chakra: Heart and Root

♡ Allows the heart heal, strengthen, open to love and feel love

♡ Brings abundance, courage, inspiration and passion for life

♡ Enhances connection with the Earth and life force energy

♡ Overcome fears, heartbreak, isolation and trauma

♡ Supports the heart, brain and nervous system

Watermelon Tourmaline (Bi-color Green & Pink) Properties

♡ Chakra: Heart

♡ Brings balance, calm, compassion, forgiveness & happiness

♡ Enhances meditation, relationships & positivity

♡ Promotes compassion, confidence, joy, peace & self love

♡ Releases feelings of anger, grief, resentment, stress & trauma

♡ Supports the heart

Yellow Tourmaline Properties

♡ Chakra: Solar Plexus

♡ Brings courage, happiness, joy, positivity & self-expression

♡ Enhances confidence, self-esteem, strength & willpower

♡ Promotes detoxification of the body

♡ Releases trauma caused by lack of self-expression

♡ Supports the digestive system

Use + Crystal pairings

Tourmalines are always in my favorite crystal pairings! Tourmalines have a wide range of healing combinations possible due to their variety of chemical formulas.

Selenite + Black Tourmaline

This pairing is perfect for energetic cleansing. Clear any negative or stagnant energy by combining the aura with Selenite. Black Tourmaline will ground and transmute energy.

Flower Agate + Pink Tourmaline

A beautiful pairing for opening it up to love  and embracing your true identity. It's extremely supportive of promoting self-esteem and self-acceptance.

Morganite + Watermelon Tourmaline

Helps gently heal any traumas and is particularly supportive when healing the inner child. Morganite and Watermelon Tourmaline have a beautiful synchronistic energy that uplift you during the healing work.

Affirmation: Affirmation: I am free from all negative attachments.

New custom Tourmaline jewelry will be available on this week's Instagram live sale on Thursday, May 4 from 11 am-2 pm and 5-8 pm CST! New arrivals will be released to our website Friday, May 5 @ 7 pm CST!!

Jamie Inglett

Jamie Inglett is an intuitive healer, teacher, author, founder and CEO of Enchanting Earth; a gemstone jewelry and crystal shop. She is a crystal healing expert who has studied crystals and healing since her spiritual awakening in 2012 at a Quartz mine in Arkansas. Jamie has a master’s degree in business administration. She retired from her successful banking career to pursue her mission of spreading empowerment, love, and healing through crystals. Jamie loves to teach crystal healing live on her social media channels. Further your crystal knowledge and join the enchanting community on Instagram @enchantingearthco

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