Manifestation Quartz

Manifestation Quartz


      Manifestation Quartz is also known as Inner Child or Penetrator Quartz. Manifestation crystals occur when a crystal is totally enclosed by a larger crystal. This is a rare Quartz formation so Manifestation Quartz is very hard to find, especially so in jewerly.

      Quartz is a mineral composed of silicon and oxygen, with a chemical composition of SiO2. Quartz is the most abundant mineral on Earth and found all over it! Most of the sand in the world's beaches is actually the mineral Quartz. Quartz is resistant to weathering so as some rocks weather away, Quartz will remain. It forms at all temperatures and is abundant in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.

      Manifestation Quartz aligns with the vibration of your desires and enhances your ability to manifest. Quartz is a master healing and programmable crystal, when found with a crystal inside, is one of the most powerful on the planet for manifesting. Manifestation Quartz has one of the purest vibrations of Quartz.