Garden Quartz

Garden Quartz


      Garden Quartz is the trade name for for Quartz containing inclusions. Garden Quartz is known by many other trade names including: “Lodolite” (means “mud stone” in Spanish), “Shamanic Stone”, “Shamanic Dream Stone” “Dream Quartz”, “Scenic Quartz”, and “Landscape Quartz”. The inclusions within Garden Quartz are due to other materials that become trapped in the crystal as it is forming, such as other minerals (like Chlorite, Hematite, Iron Oxide, ect…), liquid or even gas. Sometimes Garden Quartz also has phantoms, although phantoms are not commonly present in Garden Quartz.

      Garden Quartz helps you connect with the healing energy from Mother Earth and is one of my favorite crystals to work with in meditation or shamanic journey. Garden Quartz assists with dream work and past life recall for karmic healing & ancestral healing.