Crystal Creed Preorder

Crystal Creed

I am so excited to announce my first book Crystal Creed is available for preorder!! Crystal Creed release date is June 1, 2024!


Amazon (Canada): PRE-ORDER HERE


Barnes & Noble: PRE-ORDER HERE

This book includes everything you need to know to begin or go deeper on your healing journey with crystals. It's been the most beautiful experience reflecting on my journey and sharing this information with you. One of the most powerful experiences of my life was meditating with each of the crystals in the book to channel their meanings from my spirit guides to share with you for guidance on your journey.

Enchanting Wands

"The Crystal Creed is a unifying belief in the sacred power of crystals. Crystals are the key to unlock your spiritual gifts and power to manifest. Crystals empower us to create magic, healing, and positive change in the world with their sacred geometric structure containing the language of the universe."

Jamie Inglett

What's covered in the book? 
✨️What crystals are and why they work for healing based on science

✨️Crystal shapes
✨️Crystal formations

✨️How to set intentions with crystals
✨️Understanding the Chakras & guided meditations 
✨️Crystal potions
✨️Crystal grids, numerology & sacred geometry 
✨️Crystal Feng Shui
✨️Crystal healing and body layouts 
✨️Crystal healing for animals

✨️How to create your own spiritual practice

✨️How to connect with spirit guides

✨️How to practice divination with crystals
✨️How to unlock and enhance your psychic abilities 
✨️Treasury of 104 Crystals with photos, healing properties and uses

& more!!

Enchanting Wands

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been enchanted by crystals and all things magical. As a young girl, I loved unicorns, fairies and connecting with the Earth. I would make mudpies in our backyard, pretending I was crafting a potion. I loved to hunt for cool rocks and fossils in the creek located in my backyard. I was gifted my first stones around age five or six from my grandparents who would travel and collect rocks. One of the first crystals I remember finding its way into my collection was Rose Quartz. I was blessed that my parents carried on this tradition and helped me reconnect with crystals in my early adulthood.

We started going on Quartz mining vacations to Arkansas and I fell in love with the Master Healer (Quartz). While there, I discovered the world of crystal healing in 2012 but it took several years for me to find the empowerment to use crystals for healing due to my concerns with religion. In my research, I found crystals being used for spiritual purposes all throughout history and in many religions. I learned to use them first by intuitively placing them on my body, and felt immediate relief for my chronic stomach illness, back pain, and migraines. Once I expanded my awareness and continued learning about crystals and spirituality, I found my true calling. As my banking career progressed, I went from a desk of crystals to an office filled with crystals. We continued taking mining trips every year with the most life changing experience in 2019.

Enchanting Wands

In fall of 2019, we met Brian Busse from the show Prospectors and went with him on an amazing trip mining Aquamarine on his claim on Mount Antero. One day on our trip I felt called to sit and connect with the energy from Earth near a specific tree. I felt intuitively called to take a photo of the tree which would later become our logo. A few months later, a peculiar material called Moldavite found its way into my life in November 2019. During my first meditation session with Moldavite, I had a complete out of body experience and was guided me into an intense spiritual awakening. Two weeks later, on my birthday, I found myself creating an Instagram page to help share the healing powers of crystals with the world. Seven months later, I realized it was my life purpose to share healing with the world and retire from my banking career during the middle of a global pandemic.

In November 2020, we opened our first retail store on our 1 year anniversary. Within a few months, we had outgrown our storefront and made plans to expand into a bigger storefront when our lease expired. We moved into a 9,000 square foot warehouse in November 2021. I was so excited to grow and expand our business when we moved into this space. In 2022, I was presented this incredible book offer to share my knowledge with you! I have poured my heart and soul into this book and hope it helps you find peace and healing on your journey. My intention was to compile the knowledge I've gained in the last 11 years of my journey with crystals. Crystals helped me awaken to my true purpose and manifest a life more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed.

Enchanting Wands

I am so grateful to our incredible crystal community! It has been through your generous word of mouth our community has blossomed!!

As a new author, I am very much appreciative of your pre-orders as they are critical to a book's success. Once you receive your book and have time to read it, I would also very much appreciate a review for Crystal Creed to help others know this new book is worth a read. 

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful journey with me!

With love and gratitude,


Preorder Crystal Creed today!

Jamie Inglett

Jamie Inglett is an intuitive healer, teacher, author, founder and CEO of Enchanting Earth; a gemstone jewelry and crystal shop. She is a crystal healing expert who has studied crystals and healing since her spiritual awakening in 2012 at a Quartz mine in Arkansas. Jamie has a master’s degree in business administration. She retired from her successful banking career to pursue her mission of spreading empowerment, love, and healing through crystals. Jamie loves to teach crystal healing live on her social media channels. Further your crystal knowledge and join the enchanting community on Instagram @enchantingearthco

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