Triphane is the yellow to colorless variety of the mineral Spodumene. Spodumene is a pyroxene mineral consisting of lithium aluminium inosilicate that is typically found in lithium-rich pegmatites. Its one of the most important sources of lithium in minerals. Spodumene is named after the Greek word “spodumenos” meaning “burnt to ashes” in reference to the grey color of the non-gem mineral. The name Triphane is derived from the Greek word “triphanēs” meaning "appearing threefold" after the mineral's unique trichroism. Triphane is found in Brazil, Afghanistan, Madagascar, and the United States. The name Triphane was used in the 19th and 20th century as a synonym of Spodumene, particularly in French mineralogical literature. In the 20th century, the name Triphane has been used to describe colorless or yellowish colored variety of Kunzite.
Triphane is a warm, enchanting stone of empowerment, confidence and hope. This incredible gemstone attracts your desires and gives you the confidence to pursue your dreams! Triphane empowers you to overcome self-limiting beliefs and behaviors, while improving your self-esteem. A supportive ally for overcoming addictions and bad habits, Triphane helps you learn from the past so you may create a brighter future. Triphane has a calming energy that clears negative energy and promotes optimism. It has an incredible ability to bring harmony to your relationships or attract new relationships. Triphane enhances your motivation and helps you stay on track with goals or projects. Find your inner strength and step into your power with Triphane.