Hiddenite is the green variety of the mineral Spodumene which is colored by trace amounts of chromium in the crystal lattice. Spodumene is a pyroxene mineral consisting of lithium aluminium inosilicate that is typically found in lithium-rich pegmatites. Its one of the most important sources of lithium in minerals. Spodumene is named after the Greek word “spodumenos” meaning “burnt to ashes” in reference to the grey color of the non-gem mineral. Hiddenite was discovered in 1879 near Stony Point, Alexander County, North Carolina by mineralogist William Earl Hidden, whom the crystal was named in honor of. The town of Hiddenite was named after the mineral variety in 1913.
Hiddenite is an enchanting gem of abundance, healing, growth and rebirth. It helps you clear and release emotions not in alignment with yours. Hiddenite brings deep spiritual, emotional and spiritual heart healing. It helps you explore the depths of your heart and all its desires, allowing you to experience a life in full alignment. A deeply rejuvenating stone that helps you move forward from emotional pain, trauma and heartache. Hiddenite opens your heart to the wise and nurturing energy from Mother Earth, reminding you to focus on all you have to be grateful for. It reminds you to be present in the moment and express gratitude. Hiddenite brings clarity on past and present relationships for your soul's growth. Open your heart to align with the infinite flow of abundance from the Earth through the magic of Hiddenite.