Kammererite is a chromium-bearing variety of Clinochlore, belonging to the Chlorite group of minerals. Kammererite was discovered in 1851, named in honor of Russian geologist August Alexander Kammerer. Kammererite is a rare mineral and is only found in Turkey, India, Russia, and the United States. Kammererite is even harder to find in jewelry, especially faceted stones due to its availability (its a rare crystal) and is difficult to facet.
Kammererite is a master healing stone of purification of the body. Kammererite resonates with the Crown, Third Eye, Throat and Heart Chakras and helps you connect with the Divine Source. Kammererite balances yin/yang energy while purifying the aura and Chakras. Kammererite supports you in expression of your spirituality. This is one of my favorite crystals to work with for energetic protection because of its powerful ability to shield you against low vibrational or malicious intentions. Kammererite shows you are always being divinely supported by your spirit team and connection with the Divine Source, you have nothing to fear. Kammererite is also a good crystal to work with for support in releasing unhealthy behaviors and low vibrational emotions.