


      Amazonite (also called “Amazon Stone”) is the trade name for the blue-green variety of microcline feldspar. It's stunning color is due to trace amounts of lead in the crystal structure. Amazonite was named in 1847 by Johann Friedrich August Breithaupt after a variety found near Amazon River in South America, however, its unknown if these stones were actually Amazonite. Amazonite is found in Peru, Brazil, the USA, Russia, Madagascar, India, China, Canada, Myanmar and Namibia. It's often found in granite and pegmatite rocks. Some Amazonite may exhibit a cat’s-eye effect, known as chatoyancy. Chatoyancy is caused by fibrous inclusions that reflect light in a way that creates a line of light similar to a cat’s eye.

      Amazonite has a rich history dating back to 5,200 BCE with various cultures Northern Africa, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley using Amazonite in jewelry, ornamental carvings, beads and cabochans. Ancient Egyptians carved their Book of the Dead, Chapter Seven, "The Judgement of Osiris" on slabs of Amazonite. Ancient Egyptians adored Amazonite (known then as “Neshmet”) as a symbol of rebirth and fertility. Amazonite was often used in jewelry and amulets for protection, youth and vitality. In Brazil, legends describe Ancient Amazon tribe warrior women using Amazonite stones to adorn their shields, cure sickness and heal wounds.

      Amazonite is a beautiful stone of truth and courage. It helps you find the courage to truthfully communicate your thoughts and feelings. Amazonite is an incredible for healing imbalances in the Throat Chakra, which prevent us from fully expressing our truth. It has a soothing energy that supports you in difficult communication, public speaking and manifesting through speaking. Amazonite helps you communicate the desires of your heart to manifest your dreams. 

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