Tiffany Stone
Tiffany Stone is a trade name for a rock composed primarily of Fluorite with smaller amounts of Opal, Calcite, Dolomite, Quartz, Chalcedony, Bertrandite and other materials. Other names Tiffany Stone is known by include "Opalized Fluorite", “Ice Cream Stone” and "Bertrandite." It was discovered in Utah in the 1970s and named after the mine owner's daughter, Tiffany.
Tiffany Stone is a rare stone because it is only found in one location in the whole world. It is mined at the Brush Wellman beryllium mine, at Spor Mountain, in western Utah. This mine is one of the most important sources worldwide for Beryllium, a silvery-white metal used in the aviation industry. Previously, the mine was also a significant source for Uranium. Nearly all the Tiffany Stone mined at Spor Mountain is crushed and used to produce beryllium. A small amount has been removed from the mine by employees, and a small amount has been gathered by collectors who rarely were allowed into the mine. This makes Tiffany Stone rare to find and expensive.
Metaphysically, Tiffany Stone helps you connect with your Higher Self to receive the pleasures in life. Tiffany Stone harmonizes relationships and improves your outlook. Tiffany Stone allows you to look at your life from a higher perspective and guides you to make the necessary changes to create your dream life. Tiffany Stone helps you discern truths by using your intuition and connection with spirit.