Ammonites were shelled cephalopods that lived during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods about 201-66 million years ago. It's believed the asteroid that hit the Earth 66 million years ago, ending the age of the dinosaur also caused ammonites to become extinct while other cephalopods like nautiluses survived. Their distinctive coiled shells are made of calcium carbonate and divided into chambers which are separated by thin walls called septa. Ammonites lived in a variety of marine habitats from shallow coastal waters to deep-sea environments. They fed on small fish, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. The name “Ammonite” is named after the Egyptian god Amun, who is often depicted as a ram with twisted horns.
Ammonites are an enchanting stone of rebirth, healing, transformation and ancient wisdom. Their sacred spiral shape symbolizes creation and transformation, making them one of the most powerful stones for manifestation. The Ammonite's spiral is just one illustration of the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical pattern found in nature. Ammonites have a strong protective and grounding energy that supports your energy field. This enchanting stone inspires creativity and is also supportive for fertility. Ammonites boost your overall energy, physical strength and vitality, making them an incredible ally for energy healing and meditation.