Vesuvianite, also known as Idocrase, is a calcium aluminum silicate mineral. Its enchanting green color is often caused by traces of iron or chromium in the crystal structure. It was named in 1875 by Abraham Gottlob Werner after crystals were found near Mount Vesuvius, the famous volcano near Naples, Italy. The name Idocrase derived from two Greek words "eidos" and "krausis" that mean "mixed colors". Vesuvianite is often found with other minerals like Garnet, Diopside, Epidote and Calcite. Vesuvianite has notable deposits in Italy, Switzerland, Canada, the USA, Brazil, Mexico and Russia.
Vesuvianite is an enchanting gem of alignment, healing and growth. Its cleansing energy helps you release emotions and negativity so you can heal. Vesuvianite can help you with cord cutting and motivate you to move forward. If you need to improve your self-image, self-worth or self-love, Vesuvianite will open your heart to spirit and divine love. Vesuvianite is a gentle companion healing from depression, loss, grief and trauma. It can be placed at the different energy centers in the body to clear blockages and balance. Vesuvianite revitalizes your energy and zest for life, allowing you to embody the vibration of what you wish to manifest.