Zebra Stone
Zebra Stone is estimated to have formed between 600 million and 1.2 billion years ago. This magical stone is known for its distinctive reddish-brown and white-bands of sedimentary rock. Zebra Stone is found in the east Kimberley of Western Australia, located near the Argyle diamond deposits. Its primarily composed of Quartz particles and sericite, a fine-grained white with other mineral inclusions such as Hematite, Limonite, Kaolinite, Dickite, and Alunite. It was first discovered in 1924 by T. Blatchford, near the old Argyle Downs homestead, Western Australia.
Zebra Stone is a powerful grounding and protection stone. It helps you release negative energy and connect with the rejuvenating energy from the Earth. Zebra Stone balances the body's energy field and yin/yang energy. This incredible stone helps you connect with the divine masculine and feminine. Zebra Stone enhances your inner strength and supports self-healing and discovery. It's one of my absolute favorite meditation stones and for support during healing work. Zebra Stone helps you remain present in the moment and calm an overactive mind. It enhances your channeling abilities, helps you gain access to ancient healing knowledge and the Akaschic Records.