Grandidierite is a very rare silicate mineral composed of magnesium, iron, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen. The presence of iron and magnesium contributes to the mineral’s beautiful color. Grandidierite display strong trichroic pleochroism meaning that it can show three different colors depending on the viewing angle from dark blue-green, colorless-light yellow, or dark green. Although Grandidierite was discovered in 1902, it is a gemstone that is not commonly known, due to is extreme rarity, but is a favorite among serious gemstone collectors. This is the type of stone you want to snatch up when you see it available at decent prices. There is very little gem grade material coming onto the market. Forbeshas listed Grandidierite as one of the top 5 most expensive gemstones which can go for up to $20,000 per carat.
Energetically, Grandidierite resonates with Heart and Throat Chakras making it an ideal stone to work with on your spiritual awakening journey. I have found this stone to be particularly supportive for helping one understand their soul's purpose. As you are awakening to your spiritual gifts, you go through a bunch of emotions. Grandidierite helps balance emotions as they come up and work through healing any unresolved emotions and traumas that you may have repressed.