Variscite was first discovered in 1837 in the Vogtland district of Germany. It was named after the historical name of the district, Variscia. Variscite is a rare hydrated aluminum phosphate mineral. Variscite is found in the USA in Utah, Nevada and Wyoming. It is also found in Australia, Brazil, Germany, Poland, and Spain. Variscite specimens of exceptional color are typically made into jewelry and are highly collectible for gemstone collectors.
Variscite is extremely powerful for activating the Heart Chakra and helping you work through traumas, regrets and emotional wounds. Variscite encourages you to love yourself as you are. It promotes hope and optimism for your bright future, while reminding you to be grateful for the now. Variscite is a money magnet that opens up new opportunities for abundance to flow into your life. I often recommend Variscite to clients who need help opening their heart to love again.