The mineral Andesine is a fairy recent discovery (2003) and is named after the Andes Mountains. It is also found in the Congo, near the Nyaragongo Volcano, Brazil and the USA. Andesine is a plagioclase feldspar with albite, very similar to Labradorite. The difference between Andesine and Labradorite is due to the varying amounts of anorthite and albite found in both minerals. Andesine has higher amounts of albite and Labradorite has higher amounts of anorthite. For this reason, most our material is called Andesine Labradorite as its chemical composition lies somewhat in the middle. There is a lot of copper treated Labradorite marked as Andesine so it's important to know where your pieces are coming from. We have been lucky enough to source a very limited amount from one of our favorite miners to offer to you!
Andesine is a powerful stone to work with for support on your spiritual awakening journey. It provides a powerful grounding connection to the Earth through the Root Chakra and enhances your confidence, drive and willpower needed to manifest your dreams. Andesine is a powerful activator of the Third Eye Chakra and gives you the confidence to trust your intuition and Higher Self.