Amphibole Quartz
Amphibole Quartz is a stunning variety of Quartz found in Brazil. Also known as Angel Phantom Quartz because of its breathtaking feather/wing-like inclusions. Its inclusions are composed of Amphibole family minerals like Actinolite, Anthophyllite, Arfvedsinite, Crocidolite, Cummingtonite, Glaucophane, Grunerite, Hornblende Paragasite, Richterite, Riebeckite and Tremolite. Amphibole minerals form feather-like patterns inside the transparent quartz crystals. The word amphibole is derived from the Greek work "amphiboles" meaning “ambiguous”.
Quartz, also known as “Rock Crystal”, is pure silicon dioxide. Quartz is named from the Greek word “krystallos”, meaning “ice”. Quartz is a mineral composed of silicon and oxygen, with a chemical composition of SiO2. All other varieties of Quartz, such as purple Amethyst, yellow Citrine, green Praisolite, or pink Rose Quartz are colored due to tiny inclusions in the silica. Quartz is the most abundant mineral on Earth and found all over it! Most of the sand in the world's beaches is actually the mineral Quartz. Quartz is resistant to weathering so as some rocks weather away, Quartz will remain. It forms at all temperatures and is abundant in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.
Amphibole Quartz is a high-vibe stone for channeling, healing and protection. This incredible gem enhances your connection with angels and spirit guides. Amphibole Quartz reminds you that your divine spirit team is always with you for support and guidance. Its powerful protective energy creates an energetic layer of protection around your aura and helps balance your overall energy.