Epidote is an abundant silicate mineral that forms in marble and schistose rocks of metamorphic origin. It is also a product of hydrothermal alteration of various minerals like Amphibole, Feldspar, Garnet, Micas, Pyroxenes. Epidote is the most common mineral in the Epidote group. The word Epidote is derived from the Greek word "epidosis" meaning "increase" after its crystal growth habit where one side is longer than the other at the base. Epidote is also found as an inclusion in other stones like Dragon Bloodstone, Prehnite and Unakite. It'sfound in many regions around the globe with notable deposits in Austria, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA.
Epidote is a powerful stone of attraction, manifestation and success! It's known in the metaphysical world as one of the best attraction stones because of its immense manifestation potential. Epidote helps clear obstacles in your path and attracts what's truly meant for you. It helps us connect with our Higher Self and embody its wisdom, grace, love and strength. Epidote is a gentle and supportive Heart Chakra stone that helps you embody the frequency of love. When our Heart Chakras are open and balanced, we are able to fully share our unique magic with the world.