Mammoth Ivory
Mammoth Ivory is a rare and prized gem material from tusks of Woolly Mammoths that went extinct approximately 10,000 years ago during the last Ice Age. Woolly Mammoths bodies are found in the permafrost in the Artic. Mammoth Ivory has been used for weapons, jewelry and ornamental objects for thousands of years. 3,000 carved Mammoth Ivory beads were excavated from an ancient Russian grave in the 1960s dating over 60,000 years old! Due to the harsh weather conditions, there are only three months in the year during the summer when Mammoth Ivory can be found. Brown mammoth ivory is composed mainly of hydroxyapatite, carbonate hydroxyapatite, and collagen. Hydroxyapatite is the main mineral component in mammoth ivory. Other minerals like Quartz, Hematite, Pyrite and Vivianite have also been found in Mammoth Ivory. Rarely, Mammoth Ivory will have a blue-green color which is caused by the mineral Vivianite. Mammoth Ivory contains unique Schreger lines that look like a cross hatching pattern.
Mammoth Ivory is a stone of grounding, purity and rebirth. Its soothing and regenerative energy helps you ground into the healing energy of Mother Earth. Mammoth Ivory has a transformative energy that supports you through times of change, new beginnings and reach new levels of self-discovery. This enchanting gem has a powerful connection to spirit/divine and earth energy. Mammoth Ivory empowers and strengthens you to take inspired action to manifest your dreams!