Black Star Diopside
Black Star Diopside is a stunning variety of the mineral Diopside, a calcium magnesium silicate. It's filled with microscopic needle-shaped inclusions that occur in a parallel alignment through the crystal structure of the mineral. The mineral needles that form the star can be Magnetite, Rutile, or Ilmenite. Diopside belongs to thepyroxene mineral group and occurs in igneous and metamorphic rocks all over the globe. Diopside is significantly more abundant in Earth's mantle than at the surface. It is often used as an indicator for where diamonds can be found. Diopside was named in 1806 by Rene Just Haüy after the Greek word “dis” meaning “twice” and "òpsè" meaning "face". Black Star Diopside occurs in regions with significant volcanic activity with notable deposits in India, Russia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Italy.
Black Star Diopside is an enchanting gem of grounding, protection and transformation. Its stable energy helps your body connect with the rejuvenating and healing energy of the Earth. Black Star Diopside is an incredible ally for healing and shadow work as it helps bring emotions and memories up to release for our soul's evolution. Its transformative energies help support you through times of change, growth and rebirth. Black Star Diopside is one of the best protection stones to shield your aura from negative energy and intentions. This enchanting gem enhances astral travel, past life work and dream recall.