Dianite, also known as Siberian Blue Nephrite or Blue Jade, is a rare blue amphibole-rich rock that contains several minerals, including richterite, arfvedsonite, tremolite, and potassium feldspar. Although Dianite is similar to Jade in appearance and composition, its not technically a Jade but is priced higher than Nephrite Jade. It was named in honor of Princess Diana of Wales who passed the year it was discovered. She was well-known for her humanitarian efforts and impeccable style. Princess Diana wore an iconic engagement ring with an oval-cut blue sapphire surrounded by diamonds, originally designed for her by jeweler. Dianite is very rare, found only in a remote area in Siberia, Russia; located near the only known source of Charoite.
Dianite is an enchanting gem of spiritual growth, peace and cosmic connection. Its powerful energy helps activate and enhance all of your intuitive gifts, particularly clairvoyance and clairaudience. Dianite helps us connect with spirit guides, angels, ancestors and higher levels of consiousness. Its soothing vibrations harmonize your nervous system and instill a deep inner peace. Dianite promotes world peace, grace, forgiveness, honesty, emotional intelligence and unity.