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Shattuckite Meaning and Healing Properties

Shattuckite is a rare copper silicate mineral, named after its discovery location in 1915, at the Shattuck Arizona Copper Company mine, Bisbee, Coshise County, Arizona, USA. The blue color of shattuckite is due to the presence of copper in its structure. Shattuckite at the Shattuck Mine forms as pseudomorphs after Malachite. A pseudomorph is an atom by atom replacement of a crystal structure from another crystal structure, but with marginal alteration of the outward shape of the original crystal.

Shattuckite forms in the oxidation zones of copper deposits, where it develops as a secondary mineral. The oxidation zone is the upper part of a mineral deposit where primary minerals, such as chalcopyrite or bornite, are altered by weathering processes. These processes involve the exposure of minerals to oxygen and water, leading to the breakdown of primary minerals and the formation of secondary minerals like shattuckite. During the weathering process, copper ions are released from primary copper minerals and interact with silica and hydroxide ions in the environment. This interaction leads to the formation of Shattuckite, which crystallizes in veins, fractures, or cavities within the host rock. The conditions necessary for Shattuckite formation include a high concentration of copper, an abundance of silica, and an oxidizing environment.

Shattuckite often forms in association with other copper silicate minerals, and its formation is typically indicative of the advanced stages of oxidation in a copper deposit. Because it forms in these specific conditions, Shattuckite is relatively rare and is usually found in small quantities compared to other copper minerals. Shattuckite is found in various areas across the globe with notable deposits in the United States, Namibia, Congo, Greece and South Africa.

Shattuckite is an enchanting gem of truth, communication, manifestation and vision. Shattuckite raises your vibration to help you connect with angels and spirit guides. It resonates deeply with the spiritual seeker, the healer, and the communicator. Often called the "Stone of Sacred Communication," Shattuckite is revered for its ability to enhance psychic abilities, encourage clear communication, and promote spiritual growth. Shattuckite is particularly helpful in channeling and mediumship. It provides clarity and accuracy in all forms of communication, allowing the user to trust the messages they receive and to convey them with confidence. Shattuckite helps with interpretation of messages from your guides and inspires wisdom from your Higher Self.

Shattuckite also supports truthful communication in personal relationships. It encourages individuals to speak from the heart and to express their true feelings without fear or hesitation. Shattuckite promotes deeper connections and understanding between people, fostering harmony and trust in relationships. 

Shattuckite is associated with the Divine Feminine, the nurturing and compassionate energy that exists within all of us. This connection makes Shattuckite a particularly powerful stone for women or for those who are seeking to connect with the feminine aspects of their own being. The energy of Shattuckite is soft yet strong, encouraging self-love, acceptance, and empowerment. For those who work with goddess energy or who are drawn to the wisdom of the feminine divine, Shattuckite can serve as a potent tool for deepening this connection. It helps individuals tap into the nurturing and intuitive aspects of their being, promoting balance and harmony between the masculine and feminine energies within.

Hardness: 3.5

Color: Blue

Structure: Orthorhombic

Care: Remove before contact sports, weight lifting or activities where it may come into contact with force. As always, it should be stored away from minerals higher on the MOHs scale.

Cleaning: Shattuckite can be cleaned briefly with warm soapy water.

Feng Shui Placement: Wealth & abundance or knowledge & personal growth.

Enchanting Shattuckite
All Photos © Enchanting Earth LLC, All Rights Reserved

Metaphysical properties

♡ Chakra: Heart, Throat, and Third Eye

♡ Element: Air, Spirit/Ether

♡ Numerology: 11

♡ Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Aquarius, Sagittarius

♡ Stone of truth & connection to the inner realms

♡ Can be used to reshape your reality

♡ Enhances intuition, communication and mediumship

♡ Provides peace in relationships with poor communication

♡ Supports the immune system and blood

Use + Crystal pairings

Shattuckite is a great stone to deepen your connection with your spirit guides. Inspire truth and harmony in your relationships by wearing Shattuckite for enhanced awareness and communication. As you begin to use Shattuckite, you will discern truths, improve your relationships with honesty and grace. Shattuckite is a great stone ally to meditate with for unlocking your intuitive gifts.

Chrysocolla + Shattuckite

I love to recommend this combination for empowerment and speaking your truth. Chrysocolla and Shattuckite will help you push past blockages and stuck energy that have held you back from fully expressing yourself.

Malachite + Shattuckite

This combination is great for healing and overcoming blocks in the Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakras. Malachite and Shattuckite help you process and work through grief, traumas and issues in the Heart Chakra that are blocking energy from flowing to the upper Chakras. 

Carnelian + Shattuckite

This is an amazing pairing for creatively using your intuitive gifts. Use Carnelian and Shattuckite in divination like automatic writing and to enhance other creative projects. Writers, singers, artists, and teachers will find this combination especially supportive for fully expressing your message. 

Affirmation: I am open to receive guidance from Spirit.

New custom Shattuckite jewelry will be available on this week's Instagram live sales on Wednesday, August 2 & Thursday, August 3 from 5-8 pm CST and Friday, August 4 from 11 am to 1 pm CST! New arrivals will be released to our website Saturday, August 5 @ 4 pm CST!!

Jamie Inglett

Jamie Inglett is an intuitive healer, teacher, author, founder and CEO of Enchanting Earth; a gemstone jewelry and crystal shop. She is a crystal healing expert who has studied crystals and healing since her spiritual awakening in 2012 at a Quartz mine in Arkansas. Jamie has a master’s degree in business administration. She retired from her successful banking career to pursue her mission of spreading empowerment, love, and healing through crystals. Jamie loves to teach crystal healing live on her social media channels. Further your crystal knowledge and join the enchanting community on Instagram @enchantingearthco

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