Abalone Shell
Abalone belongs to the phylum Mollusca and the class Gastropida. Abalones are marine snails. The inner layer of their shell is composed of nacre (another name for Mother of Pearl and the same as the material pearls are composed of). Many species have highly iridescent shells which are adored for their lustrous beauty, bright colors and gentle energy. The name “Abalone” is derived from the Spanish word “Abulón”.
The highly iridescent inner nacre layer of the shell of abalone has traditionally been used as a decorative items, in jewelry, and inlay in furniture, Obsidian carvings and musical instruments. Abalone has significant use in several Indigenous cultures around the world, specifically in Africa and on the Northwest American coast. The meat is considered a delicacy, and the shell is used to make ornaments, talismans and jewelry.
Abalone Shell brings us healing from the Water element with its blissful and protective energies! Abalone Shell helps enhance your spiritual gifts and ability to connect with your spirit guides. Experience emotional healing when working with Abalone Shell in your healing work. Abalone Shell has a gentle, feminine energy that helps soothe the nervous system.