Blue Diopside
Blue Diopside, also known as Violane, is a very rare form of manganese rich Diopside found in Russia. It's stunning blue color is due to inclusions of manganese and iron. Diopside is a pyroxene mineral occuring in igneous and metamorphic rocks all over the globe. Diopside is significantly more abundant in Earth's mantle than at the surface. It is often used as an indicator for where diamonds can be found. Diopside was named in 1806 by Rene Just Haüy after the Greek word “dis” meaning “twice” and òpsè meaning "face".
Blue Diopside (Violane) is a soothing stone of expansion and awareness. It has a blissful, relaxing energy that soothes the body, mind and spirit. Blue Diopside brings insight on emotions and emotional intelligence. It enhances communication by promoting peace and honesty. Blue Diopside is one of my favorite crystals to manifest by speaking affirmations and visualizing your desires. A supportive companion for connecting with angels and spirit guides, Blue Diopside elevates your vibration and enhances your connection. Blue Diopside is one of the best stones to work with angels and spirit guides for guidance and healing.