Purple Scapolite
Purple Scapolite is the purple variety of the beautiful mineral Scapolite. Its enchanting purple color is caused by trace elements like manganese and iron within the crystal structure.
Scapolite is a mineral series consisting of two minerals: Marialite and Meionite which are composed of sodium or calcium aluminum silicate carbonate chloride. Both of these minerals have extremely similar compositions, crystal structures, and physical appearance. Scapolite was named in 1800 by José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva from the Greek word “skapos” meaning "shaft" after its long prismatic crystal habit. Sometimes Scapolite contains tiny fibrous inclusions that create a "silk" within the stone that reflects light to form a cat's-eye. Scapolite is found all over the globe with significant deposits in Afghanistan, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Myanmar, Peru, Tajikistan, Tanzania, and the USA.
Purple Scapolite is a powerful stone for spiritual healing and connecting with the divine/source energy. Its uplifting energy will help you overcome habits and self-limiting beliefs. Purple Scapolite helps you advance on your spiritual awakening journey by enhancing intuitive gifts and divination practices. It helps you improve your self-image and self-worth. Purple Scapolite helps you connect with the divine source energy for guidance and self-exploration. It's one of the best stones to use for past life work and accessing the Akaschic Records.