Enchanting Purple Scapolite Cuff Rings

Purple Scapolite Meaning and Healing Properties

Purple Scapolite is the purple variety of the beautiful mineral Scapolite. Its enchanting purple color is caused by trace elements like manganese and iron within the crystal structure. 

Scapolite is a mineral series consisting of two minerals: Marialite and Meionite which are composed of sodium or calcium aluminum silicate carbonate chloride. Both of these minerals have extremely similar compositions, crystal structures, and physical appearance. Scapolite was named in 1800 by José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva from the Greek word “skapos” meaning "shaft" after its long prismatic crystal habit. Sometimes Scapolite contains tiny fibrous inclusions that create a "silk" within the stone that reflects light to form a cat's-eye. Scapolite is found all over the globe with significant deposits in Afghanistan, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Myanmar, Peru, Tajikistan, Tanzania, and the USA.

Purple Scapolite is a powerful stone for spiritual healing and connecting with the divine/source energy. Its uplifting energy will help you overcome habits and self-limiting beliefs. Purple Scapolite helps you advance on your spiritual awakening journey by enhancing intuitive gifts and divination practices. It helps you improve your self-image and self-worth. Purple Scapolite helps you connect with the divine source energy for guidance and self-exploration. It's one of the best stones to use for past life work and accessing the Akaschic Records.

Hardness: 5.5-6.5

Color: Purple

Structure: Tetragonal

Care: Avoid prolonged exposure to heat (or extreme heat), direct sunlight and contact with abrasive surfaces or chemicals. Remove before contact sports, weight lifting or activities where it may come into contact with force. As always, minerals higher on the hardness scale should be stored away from it. 

Cleaning: Warm water, mild soap, and soft cloth.

Feng Shui Placement: Scapolite is amazing to place in the center of the home to promote overall balance and wellbeing. It can also be placed intentionally throughout the home by its color using the Bagua map.

Enchanting Purple Scapolite Cuff Rings
All Photos © Enchanting Earth LLC, All Rights Reserved

Metaphysical properties

♡ Chakra: Crown

♡ Element: Spirit/Ether

♡ Numerology: 8

♡ Zodiac Sign: Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio

♡ Brings clarity, focus, forgiveness, personal growth, and spiritual advancement

♡ Enhances automatic writing, channeling, connection with divine/source energy and all intuitive abilities

♡ Promotes self-healing, self-discovery & transformation

♡ Releases self limiting beliefs & behavior patterns

♡ Supports the nervous and circulatory system

Use + Crystal pairings

Purple Scapolite is a perfect stone to use in meditation for peace and spiritual advancement. It has an uplifting energy that allows you to welcome in spirit guides, angels, ancestors and other beings of light. When worn in jewelry, it helps to restore and purify the aura while creating an energetic layer of protection.

Cobalto Calcite + Purple Scapolite

I love this combination for emotional and spiritual healing. Cobalto Calcite and Purple Scapolite are supportive for inner child and past life healing. 

Brucite + Purple Scapolite

This is also incredible pairing for inspiration and divine connection. Brucite and Purple Scapolite uplift your energy and passion for life. They help you find the beauty in each day and in expressing gratitude.

Vesuvianite + Purple Scapolite

This is a must-have pairing for crystal healers to clear energy from the body and aura. Vesuvianite and Purple Scapolite help accelerating your healing and personal transformation journey.

Affirmation: I attract the blessings I desire or something better.

New custom Purple Scapolite jewelry will be available on this week's Instagram live sales on Thursday, May 23 from 5-8 pm CST and Friday, May 24 from 11 am-1 pm CST! New arrivals will be released to our website Saturday, May 25 @ 4 pm CST!!







Jamie Inglett

Jamie Inglett is an intuitive healer, teacher, author, founder and CEO of Enchanting Earth; a gemstone jewelry and crystal shop. She is a crystal healing expert who has studied crystals and healing since her spiritual awakening in 2012 at a Quartz mine in Arkansas. Jamie has a master’s degree in business administration. She retired from her successful banking career to pursue her mission of spreading empowerment, love, and healing through crystals. Jamie loves to teach crystal healing live on her social media channels. Further your crystal knowledge and join the enchanting community on Instagram @enchantingearthco

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